Call For Paper
Themes of the Conference: -
National Education Policy and LIS Education
Changing Paradigm in Library and Information Science Education System
Role of INFLIBNET Centre in Libraries Development.
Webomatrics, Scientometrics, Bibliometrics, Altmetrics.
Reassessing / Reorganizing Libraries, Marketing Library Services
Academic Integrity & Credibility: Research quality, Ethical issues, Policies
Research, innovation and Ranking
Open Education: Educational Resources, Infrastructure, Digital / Virtual University, Policies
Research Information Management
Collection Development Policies in Digital Age
Public Library as Educational & Cultural Hubs
Capacity Building & HR Management in Library Services
Emerging Trends in Libraries
Innovative Library Services
Role of Library Association in Professional Development
AI, Machine Learning, Data Mining for Digital Libraries
Information Globalisation and Knowledge Discovery
Library Infrastructure and Services, Metaverse and Library
Open Science: Principles, Framework, Policy, Infrastructure and Global Standards
Open Data: Research Data Management, Data Repositories, Data Sharing, Data Visualization
Case Studies and Best Practices of Library Science/Libraries
Guidelines for Research Paper Contributors: -
All papers should be typed on Microsoft Word-version.
Paper size should be A4, Portrait of size 8.5" x 11" with Margins: 1" (top & bottom); 1.5"(left & right)
All text should be typed in Arial or Times New Roman Font with size 12 and single-spaced.
Headings and subheadings must be in Bold font, left justified and numbered according to Level of heading as below: 1. First Level Heading 1.1 Second Level Heading 1.1.1 Third Level Heading.
Header & Footer of font size 8.
Use double space after the headings, before starting the next paragraph.
Page Break can be given to give a logical end to a page.
The main title of your paper must not exceed 50 characters. This includes letters, spaces and punctuation.
Title should be followed by name, affiliation and address of the Author(s), Email.
An abstract of length not more than 250 words should be supplied.
Few keywords must be given after the abstract.
Size of the paper to be kept within 5000 words.
Illustrations such as photographs, charts, graphs, drawings, and diagrams should be labeled, so that they correspond with their mention in the text (e.g. Table-1, Figure-2, Diagram-3).
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